Of all his prodigious artistic and literary output, the painted inscriptions of David Jones (1895-1974) remain my most favourite. One of the most significant first-generation of British modernist poets, his work was informed by his Welsh heritage and by his Catholicism. T.S. Eliot considered Jones to be a poet of major importance, and Anathemata (1952) was said by W.H. Auden to be the most important poem to have been written in English in the 20th century.
You know, I read Anathemata when I was a mere sprat and ought to reread it. I wonder what I made of it back then. I can hardly remember who I was.
ReplyDeleteHave had an indoor waterfall (burst upstairs radiator) and much excitement, alas, but am feeling fine anyway.
A bit late,but I have a Christmas card done with this and an angel by David Jones given to me by Tom Burns. I have it framed, of course.
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